

Aylim Capital Investments is a quantitative proprietary trading company that invests in liquid exchange-traded products.
The company is solely owned by the Principals


The company trades a broad range of markets spanning global interest rates and equity index volatilities

Relative Value

The Aylim model uses machine learning to identify relative value opportunities between contracts


Proprietary algorithms take the model output and generate strategies, allocate risk and execute trades

Future Growth

Aylim envisages further expansion into swaps and bond markets as opportunities for electronic trading increase


The two principals of the company have over 40 years of experience trading financial markets


Systematic Approach

Attractive absolute and risk-adjusted returns can be achieved from applying quantitative techniques to trading closely linked financial instruments

The Aylim Model

The same model identifies trades across all the products traded

The Aylim Edge

Research has discovered several significant new sources of alpha

Accelerated Investment

Proprietary algorithms are used in all processes from data retrieval through to trade execution

Machine Learning

Machine learning decides for all of the parameters used by the algorithms

Risk Management

Sophisticated risk modelling anticipates the portfolio risk metrics. Stress testing and scenario analysis assess the potential effect on the portfolio of regime change


Aylim Capital Investments

  • 83 Baker Street London Marylebone W1U 6AG United Kingdom
  • +44 207 868 2289


This site is for general informational purposes only. Nothing on this site should be construed as an offer to, or solicitation of, any potential clients or investors for the provision of investment management, advisory or any other similar services. Aylim Capital Investments is solely owned by the Principals and does not provide investment advice or accept investment capital from any other persons.